Government will organize various security import activities to advance Make in India

 In a significant push towards a self-reliant India in the strategic sector, Prime Minister Narendra Modi conducted various security import projects being achieved through the Procurement (Global) course to the government.

The drive from the public authority comes as the Center is formulating a new defense production and export promotion policy that will go the way forward to strengthen security building within the nation and help amicably unrecognized nations in their commodity.

Government sources told ANI that an impromptu level meeting of the Defense Ministry will be held originally on Wednesday in which all import projects under the Buy (Global) category will be inspected and likely to be rejected or postponed by the public authority. will be required.

The purchase global category implies that the security forces can import the item outright from unfamiliar vendors. Sources said that now the first focus will be on the safety of Indian Developed Design and Made (IDDM) goods.

Will guarantee that projects worth a few thousand crores will be given to Indian manufacturers, he said. This option would mean that the Indian Navy, Air Force and a large number of enterprises would be affected, including those actually at an advanced stage, such as the Indian Navy, Air Force and the Indian Navy acquiring Kamov helicopters.

This new trend of public authority will affect various activities related to aeroplanes including war stages, firearms and ships.

The drive comes after Prime Minister Modi took an audit meeting with Defense Ministry officials, including the then Chief of Defense Staff General Bipin Rawat, where it was felt that concrete estimates should be made to ensure that the nation Moves steadily towards a self-reliant India in security. Area.

After the gathering took place, an additional secretary-rank officer in the Defense Ministry prepared a note for the three services that said "all partners may call on a basic level that no further security material is coming."

It said, “The capital and income receipts are generally to be inspected with a proposal or in origin. This audit is to be completed by January 15.”

The Prime Minister has been candidly surveying the progress of Make in India in the security sector and has repeatedly asked officials from both the Administrations and the Defense Ministry to guarantee that more advances are taken to take Make in India forward. .

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